How to load program for at89c51rd2 programmer
How to load program for at89c51rd2 programmer

Supports all kinds of types and silicon technologies of today and tomorrow programmable devices without family-specific module.

how to load program for at89c51rd2 programmer how to load program for at89c51rd2 programmer

  • BeeProg2C programmer can be any time upgraded to BeeProg2 using BeeProg2C to BeeProg2 upgrade kit.
  • LPT port connection usage is disabled in software.
  • unsupported some very obsolete chips and special implementations.
  • unsupported obsolete microcontrollers 8751/8752 with programming voltage 21V and above.
  • unsupported obsolete microcontrollers MCS48 series.
  • unsupported obsolete EPROMs with programming voltage 21V and above.
  • unsupported obsolete bipolar chips (PROMs and PLDs).
  • how to load program for at89c51rd2 programmer

    BeeProg2C have next limitations against BeeProg2: BeeProg2C programmer have hardware identical with the BeeProg2 programmer, the differences are only in software.BeeProg2C is USB-compatible, MS Windows (from Windows XP to Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit) based ELNEC universal programmers, built to meet the strong demand of the small manufacturing and developers community for the fast and reliable universal programmer.

    How to load program for at89c51rd2 programmer