Anti-Infantry vehicles (Riptide, Jet Tengu) vulnerability to GUN damage (PeaceKeeper, Conscript, Imperial Warrior) now reduced to 25% from 50%.Due to the recent downturn in the global economy, all Super Weapons are now half price.Observation Post health increased to 10000 from 3000.Oil Derricks now explode when destroyed.Walls and Structures no longer block line of sight while being constructed.Garrison Range bonus reduced to 75% from 100%.Play these maps and many more in the stand-alone campaign expansion, Red Alert 3 Uprising, available for download at. Added two new maps for skirmish and online play: Spring Fever (2 player) and Blitzen's Back (4 player).This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, adds two free maps from Red Alert 3: Uprising, and more. This patch fixes an exploit with the Allied Assault Destroyer. Patches for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 are cumulative.